戈登·L. 纳尔逊健康科学大楼



**OSHA requires annual reviews of chemical inventories.**

Florida Institute of Technology (亚洲博彩平台) is legally and ethically required to provide a safe working environment for all its employees and students under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the 职业安全 and 健康 Act of 1970, employers are required to provide their employees with a place of employment that is ‘free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.’  Since 亚洲博彩平台 employs workers engaged in the use of hazardous chemicals, 亚洲博彩平台将遵守 the provisions of the 职业安全 and 健康 Administration (OSHA) standard: "29 CFR§1910.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories."  这个标准通常被称为“实验室标准."  It was developed to provide increased protection to laboratory employees beyond that which is provided in the General Industry Standards (29 CFR§1910). ‘实验室标准也是一个“以绩效为导向的标准”."  This means OSHA establishes the minimum requirements, but the methods for achieving these requirements are left up to the employer.  的支柱。实验室标准’ is its requirement for employers to develop and carry out the provisions of a written 化学卫生计划(CHP),这需要发展 标准操作程序 for work with hazardous chemicals in laboratories/shops. 



危险化学品, 以及含有有害化学物质的产品, are used at all Florida Institute of Technology (亚洲博彩平台) locations.  To protect the safety and health of employees that may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal conditions, 或者在可预见的紧急情况下, 亚洲博彩平台将遵守 29美国联邦法规(CFR) 1910.1200: The 职业安全 and 健康 Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).  

确保工作场所的安全, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be available and understandable to workers. OSHA's HCS requires the development and dissemination of such information: All employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplaces must have labels and 安全数据表 for their exposed workers, and train them to handle the chemicals appropriately.

亚洲博彩平台’s 危险沟通计划 requires personnel to provide information to employees regarding hazardous chemicals in the workplace and the hazardous properties of those chemicals. The information must be conveyed through a combination of a written hazard communication plan, 危险化学品清单, 容器标签, 安全数据表, 员工培训. This document constitutes 亚洲博彩平台’s written 危险沟通计划, and it applies to all operating units (Divisions, 部门, Agencies and/or Offices) on campus and off-site locations.  亚洲博彩平台环境健康与安全&S) is responsible for the development, implementation and periodic review of this plan.



The fume hood is often the primary control device for protecting laboratory workers when working with flammable and/or toxic chemicals. OSHA实验室标准(联邦法典第29章1910.1450) requires that fume hoods be maintained and function properly when used.


  • 确保你了解引擎盖是如何工作的.
  • 你应该接受训练,正确使用它.
  • Know the hazards of the chemical you are working with; refer to the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet if you are unsure.
  • 确保导风罩处于打开状态.
  • Make sure that the sash is open to the proper operating level, which is usually indicated by arrows on the frame.
  • Make sure that the air gauge indicates that the air flow is within the required range.


  • Never allow your head to enter the plane of the hood opening. 例如, 垂直上升的腰带, keep the sash below your face; for horizontal sliding sashes, keep the sash positioned in front of you and work around the side of the sash.
  • 适当保护眼睛.
  • Be sure that nothing blocks the airflow through the baffles or through the baffle exhaust slots.
  • 提升大型设备(e).g., a centrifuge) at least two inches off the base of the hood interior.
  • Keep all materials inside the hood at least six inches from the sash opening. 不在引擎盖内工作时,请关闭窗扇.
  • Do not permanently store any chemicals inside the hood.
  • Promptly report any hood that is not functioning properly to your supervisor. 窗扇应该关上, and the hood “tagged” and taken out of service until repairs can be completed.
  • 使用极其危险的化学品时, understand your laboratory’s action plan in case an emergency, 比如电源故障, 发生.


